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UltraDome started in 1993 when I was creating custom marketing products and wanted to start adding epoxy domes to them. At the time there were a few products available but they were all 2 part mixes that took 24 hours and required humidity to be less than 50% (some required 20% or less). Bubbles were my biggest issue and it was due to the moisture in the product and air. Time was also an issue.

Finally I found a formulary company that said they could design a quick cure epoxy with high surface tention so it would create the dome I was looking for. I had seen other UV cure products but they were expensive and required a multi thousand dollar light setup that was expensive to run ($500 bulbs that needed to be changed every 100 hours or so). I worked with the company and the end product was UltraDome. I was using it in house exclusivly at first but started having others ask me for some and not long after the demand was so high I quite the marketing products and went full time into UltraDome.